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The USMLE-Step 2-CK ("Clinical Knowledge") is the nine-hour-long multiple-choice portion of the second part of the United States Medical Licensure Examination. It assesses clinical knowledge through a traditional, multiple-choice examination. The USMLE Step 2 is generally taken during the 4th year of medical school by medical students.
The exam is a 9-hour single-day computer-based test composed of eight question sets with no more than 40 questions per set.
Each section is one hour long. The test taker is permitted 45 minutes, in total for the whole day, for the purpose of breaks that can only be taken between sections. There is a 15-minute tutorial at the beginning of the exam, which the test-taker can choose to skip, and have the time added to the break time. If the taker finishes any section before the allotted 1 hour time limit, the remainder of the time is added to break time. The test is administered at the Prometric testing sites around the world.
Step 2 CK includes test items in the following content areas: internal medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, preventive medicine, psychiatry, surgery, other areas relevant to provision of care under supervision.
Most Step 2 CK test items describe clinical situations and require that you provide one or more of the following: diagnosis, a prognosis, an indication of underlying mechanisms of disease, the next step in medical care, including preventive measures.
Step 2 CK is a broadly based, integrated examination. It frequently requires interpretation of tables and laboratory data, imaging studies, photographs of gross and microscopic pathologic specimens, and results of other diagnostic studies. Step 2 CK classifies test items along two dimensions: disease category and physician task.
Enjoy the app and pass your Clinical Knowledge, USMLE-Step 2-CK, United States Medical Licensure Examination exam effortlessly!
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